Today, I had 3 hours in one of our smart classes. As I have mentioned before, I was planning to show my kids some sites Şirin had showed us.
What I have achieved today:
1. First, I asked them if they knew what a blog means and of course, they didn't. So, I showed them how to look for the definition of a blog on Google and showed my blog. As a result, they got the picture... I showed them and had one of my students create his blog. That helped them to grasp the idea even better. After that, I assigned them to create their own blogs and send me their URLs until Sunday. They are also supposed to write at least one blog. They seemed really intrigued and to have enjoyed what they were experiencing.
2. I showed them They all went crazy! They loved it! They really did empathize with the words and as an example two of my students adopted two words. They all made jokes about being a parent and by the end of three hours when I asked them about the words their friends adopted (and also my word, they all remembered! Their second assignment was to adopt a word and publish it on their blog.
3. After that came the I gave some background information about the establishment of the site (They love serious and scientific stories) and then showed examples of how to look for words on the site. They loved the idea and kept making me write words for the site to compose spidergrams and all.
I think they all had fun and most of all thought that what I've shown was beyond fun. We'll see the results and I will share the outcome with you all... Cheers!
17 Nisan 2009 Cuma
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ducenarious (savethewords)
YanıtlaSilwow, congratulations Koray, now you're a dad! Tell me about your word, I have no idea what it means!